Advanced Standing | Part-Time MBA

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Part-Time MBA students are eligible to receive up to 6 credits of advanced standing/transfer credit only if currently attending or previously enrolled at an AACSB Accredited MBA Program.  All requests for advanced standing must be made prior to the end of the first semester of the program.  A student may be considered for a maximum of 6 credits of advanced standing.  If a student does not submit a request for advanced standing by the end of the first semester, they forfeit the opportunity to receive advanced standing for courses taken prior to enrolling in the Rutgers MBA program

Please note: 

  1. Advanced Standing credit should not exceed 5 years from the time that said course the student is seeking credit; to when starting our MBA program; or else it will not be granted.
  2. RBS will not accept any credits that were used to confer a Master’s degree.  


Challenge Exams

Part-Time MBA students may apply to sit for a challenge examination in a select number of core courses. There is a $50 fee for each examination. A student may not take a challenge examination for the same course more than once or for a course they have taken and failed. A Part-Time MBA student has four (4) semesters to complete challenge exams.