Mission of MBA Office of Career Management
We help MBA students become competitive candidates so that they can secure MBA career opportunities. We also build long-term, structured relationships with employers and RBS alumni to facilitate career connections for our MBA students.
Each year, the MBA Office of Career Management prepares the Full-Time incoming class and the outgoing Part-Time and Full-Time Classes for their respective MBA recruiting season. At the start of an academic year, we help that year’s Spring graduating class prepare for the fall recruitment season—the time of year when employers recruit and hire for their full-time recruitment programs. At the same time, we are helping the following year’s graduating class prepare for the spring internship recruitment season, which is when employers recruit and hire for their formal summer internship programs. Throughout the year, of course, we help students connect with employers’ needs-based hiring opportunities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does Rutgers have an MBA Office of Career Management?
The OCM exists to serve two constituencies: MBA Campus Recruiters and MBA students (Part-Time and Full-Time). To that end, we are committed to helping MBA recruiters connect with MBA students (by graduation year) whom we have helped to become competitive MBA candidates.
Does the MBA Office of Career Management serve as an employment agency, headhunter, or placement office?
No. We market MBA students by graduation year because employers target MBA students by graduation year. Each year, therefore, we market the incoming Full-Time students for summer internships and the outgoing Part-Tme and Full-Time students for full-time opportunities. The OCM does NOT place any student, and neither does any other MBA career services office in the nation. Rather, the OCM coaches MBA students to be competitive candidates and helps connect them to MBA opportunities on and off campus. It is the MBA student's responsibility to earn an interview and a job offer.
As a Part-Time MBA student, when do I receive access to the MBA Office of Career Management?
Immediately, for career advisement only. At 24 credits, for access to the MBA recruitment process, including On-Campus Recruiting for full-time positions.
Can Part-Time MBA students participate in the On-Campus Recruiting (OCR) Program?
Yes, but only for full-time positions and during the fall semester prior to your graduation year. (Only Full-Time MBA students are eligible to compete for OCR-Summer Internships). Part-Time students must have attended the Career Management Workshop (CMW) and have met all the other requirements described during the CMW. Note: It is the responsibility of every Part-Time MBA student to ensure that he/she has completed (or has enrolled to complete) 30 credits by the end of the summer in order to attend the CMW. Therefore, plan your course load accordingly.
I am a Part-Time student, and I won't be graduating for at least two years. Can the OCM find me an MBA job?
No. We market MBA students by graduation year, and you're not an MBA candidate, in the view of employers, until a year before you graduate.
Why are Corporate Presentations, Meet & Greets, and On-Campus Interviews held during the day and on the Newark campus?
Corporate Presentations and Meet & Greets are held from 11:30 AM-1:00 PM or from 4:30-6:00 PM because those are the scheduled break times for MBA students. These events are held on the Newark campus for two reasons: 1) the Full-Time program is located there, and students in this program have attendance requirements regarding OCR events; 2) the MBA Office of Career Management has the appropriate staff and facilities to host career events on the Newark campus.
The OCM encourages employers to choose the latter time to make it convenient for Part-Time students to attend. On-Campus Interviews can begin as early as 8:00 AM, with the last interview typically at 5:00 PM. As is the case with all OCR events at RBS and other MBA programs nationwide, employers will choose to come to campus when it is convenient for their representatives. Most career events, on and off campus, take place during working hours, so Part-Time students must plan accordingly.