Professor Rudi Leuschner in class with students of the center.

Center for Supply Chain Management


The Center for Supply Chain Management is dedicated to developing innovative strategies and practical solutions that address business problems encountered by the enterprise in the management of the end-to-end supply chain.

The center builds upon the strengths of the Rutgers Business School with world-class research, innovative teaching and the integration of inter-functional business disciplines. We value and actively promote a high level of collaboration between the business community and Rutgers University.

The Center for Supply Chain Management provides solutions to emerging supply chain management problems by:

  • Promoting problem solving and research between the Rutgers University faculty and the business community.
  • Serving as a ready source to the business community for leading-edge best practices in supply chain management.
  • Developing and delivering executive education in supply chain management to the business community.
  • Conducting periodic meetings of member companies to share best practices, identify research topics, and disseminate leading-edge thinking.

The Center for Supply Chain Management is supported by an academic advisory board consisting of senior faculty from Lehigh, MIT, North Carolina, NYU, and Rutgers, and three industry advisory boards (the corporate sponsor board, the center board, and the undergraduate SCM advisory board) consisting of business executives from over 30 major corporations. These boards collaborate with the center in joint research, recruiting, and education for future SCM talent and maintain an objective to build the top SCM program in the country.

Professor Alok Baveja in class with students of the program

SCM Thought Leader Certificate

This 3-day certificate program covers major aspects of supply chain management, including strategy, sourcing and procurement, logistics, operations and organizational alignment. Learn how to execute a strategic supply chain management plan that is grounded in today’s business needs for competitive effectiveness and operations efficiency.

2025 SCM Education Partnership

The Rutgers Supply Chain Management (SCM) Education Partnership program takes place from 23 – June 27. Submit your application today! Application deadline: June 13. 

17 May

Corporate Partners

Bayer HealthCare
WeiserMazars, LLP
Johnson & Johnson
Becton Dickinson (BD)
Schindler Elevator
Monument Chemical
Teva Pharmaceutical

Learn more about our corporate sponsors who offer their support and expertise to the academic community through the center.

Interested in partnering with the Center for Supply Chain Management?

Sign-up to find out about the benefits of a partnership and to learn more about the center.

Contact the Center

For additional information on the Rutgers University Center for Supply Chain Management, or to become a member, please contact:

Center for Supply Chain Management
1 Washington Park
Newark, NJ 07102
(973) 353-1218
(973) 353-1165 (fax)