Supply Chain Management Concentration

Ph.D. in Management

This program is offered by the Department of Supply Chain Management, Rutgers Business School, in cooperation with faculty at Rutcor and at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Students in the program also work with the Center for Supply Chain Management.


Additional enrollments may also be required:

  • Students are sometimes required to enroll in non-degree courses to improve their English or their writing. They may also need to enroll in the non-degree course Teacher Training Seminar as part of their preparation for teaching. These enrollments require payment of tuition, but they do not count towards the 72 credits required for the degree.
  • Students must enroll in 26:799:689 every semester until they have defended a dissertation proposal. This registration requires their attendance in the Supply Chain Management & Marketing Science department’s weekly seminar. A grade is given, but the enrollment is for zero credits and no tuition is charged.

Students take at least three courses for degree credit each semester during the first two years. They take the qualifying examination at the end of the second year. During their third and fourth year, they concentrate on writing their dissertation, but they may also be asked to take additional courses.

Within a year after passing the qualifying examination, the student should defend a dissertation proposal.

Course Information

Foundation/methodology requirement (4 courses)

The following courses must be included unless the student has previously taken equivalent courses:

  • 26:711:653 Discrete Optimization
  • 26:799:685 Supply Chain-Marketing Interfaces
  • 26:630:670 Multivariate Analysis

Otherwise, courses should be chosen from this list:

  • 26:960:577 Introduction to Statistical Linear Models
  • 26:223:552 Microeconomics
  • 26:223:554 Econometrics - Cross Sectional
  • 26:960:575 Introduction to Probability

Other courses may be substituted with approval of the adviser, doctoral coordinator, and program director.

Major (5 courses)

These two courses are required:

  • 26:799:660 Supply Chain Modeling & Algorithms
  • 26:799:661 Stochastic Models for Supply Chain Management

Students are also required to take 26:799:685 Special Topics in Supply Chain if it is offered. Additional courses should be selected from this list:

  • 26:223:685 Game Theory
  • 26:198:621 Electronic Commerce
  • 26:198:644 Data Mining
  • 26:223:655 Econometrics - Time Series
  • 26:620 685 Business Ethics
  • 26:620:558 Strategic Management
  • 26:553:501 Cross-Border Management
  • Nonlinear programming ( Rutgers or NJIT Industrial Engineering)

Any major course in international business or any course from Rutcor is also acceptable. Other courses may be substituted with approval by the doctoral coordinator.

Minor (3 courses, selected from the following)

  • 22:799:580 Operations Analysis
  • 22:799:607 Supply Chain Management Strategies
  • 26:630:675 Marketing Models
  • 26:630:685 Special Topics in Marketing

Other courses may be substituted with approval of the adviser, doctoral coordinator, and program director.

Students normally complete these 12 courses in their first two years, before taking their qualifying examination. They are normally registered for at least two additional doctoral courses during their third and fourth years, while they are writing their dissertation.

First early research requirement (equivalent to one course): Students write a paper with a faculty member, to be presented to the department during the fall semester.

Second early research requirement (equivalent to one course): Write a paper (ideally a dissertation proposal) with a faculty member, to be presented to the department during the fall semester.

Other rules and requirements: For details of rules and requirements that apply to all doctoral students in RBS, see Policies and Procedures.

Course Descriptions

26:799:660 - Supply Chain Modeling & Algorithms

Fall 2009 and every second fall thereafter.

This course focuses on the application of management science techniques to model the newest emerging supply chain planning problems (such as reverse logistics, integrated production, inventory and distribution problems, multi-partner pricing analysis, supply chain distribution network design, location analysis and transportation capacity planning, etc.) to meet the changing needs of new generations of our Ph.D. students. The course also focuses on the processes of developing new search algorithms and error bound analysis to effectively solve such practical business decision and optimization problems. Academic researchers and selected industry executives will be invited to the classroom to present the pipeline research results and new challenges encountered in supply chain management practices.

26:799:661 - Stochastic Methods in Supply Chain Management

Spring 2010 and every second spring thereafter.

This course covers economic models in supply chain management under uncertainty. We study key management concepts such as contract design, competition, information asymmetry.

26:799:670 - Multivariate Analysis

Fall 2006 and every second spring thereafter.

Multivariate normal distributions, principal components, factor analysis, canonical correlation, discrimination and classification. Prerequisite: 26:960:577.

26:799:672 - Advanced Multivariate Analysis

Spring 2007 and every second spring thereafter

26:799:685 - Special Topics in Supply Chain Management

The goal of this course is three-fold: (1) identify problems and key trade-offs in inventory management, (2) introduce the main stream literature that model, solve and understand these problems, (3) bring students to the frontier of this active research area. The course is targeted at graduate (M.S. or Ph.D.) students in the areas of operations management, operations research, industrial engineering and management science. To prepare students to do research and to train students for the job market, this course combines lectures, case studies, literature reading and presentations.

Supply Chain Marketing Interfaces

Inventory Management

Fundementals of Optimization for Supply Chain Management

  • 26:799:686 First Early Research Seminar in Supply Chain Management
  • 26:799:687 Second Early Research Seminar  in Supply Chain Management
  • 26:799:688 Independent Study  in Supply Chain Management
  • 26:799:799 Dissertation Research  in Supply Chain Management

Please note: Links to recent syllabi are provided where possible. In some cases, the link goes to the web site for the individual faculty member, where the syllabus is maintained. In other cases, the link allows you to download the syllabus. Other syllabi are available in the Program Office.

These syllabi are provided as information to potential applicants. They should also help current students make their individual study plans. But they are subject to change. Students should not buy books or make other plans related to a course until they have confirmed with the instructor that they have an up-to-date syllabus for the semester in which they are taking the course.

Ph.D. Executive Committee, January 2019