Rutgers New Brunswick-Livingston Campus is where Middlesex Businesses Go to Grow.
Entrepreneurs, both fledgling and established, can now receive strategic, growth-focused training, counseling and technical assistance in the heart of Middlesex County on the Rutgers-New Brunswick, Livingston Campus. This SBDC Center will provide array of services to aspiring entrepreneurs as well as established businesses. Business support and improved performance techniques will be used to foster growth and profitability. These small businesses in turn will strengthen the economic development through job creation and retention throughout Middlesex County as a result of the extensive one-on-one long-term counseling, training and specialized services they receive from the SBDCs.
The mission of the New Jersey Small Business Development Center @ Rutgers New Brunswick is to provide entrepreneurs and business owners throughout Middlesex County with training and technical assistance. This strategic goals of the Center are to:
- Provide excellent customer service and personal obligation to the small business client with honest evaluation of client prospect success
- Deliver the highest value to the small business community
- Yield the best possible outcomes for established small businesses and entrepreneurs
- Facilitate economic development while serving the community and small businesses
Steps to accessing the Middlesex County NJSBDC Services
Start up and established businesses throughout Middlesex County can access NJSBDC @ Rutgers New Brunswick by one of the following:
- By completing the Request for Counseling form
- By sending email to njsbdcnb@business.rutgers.edu
- By calling our main number 848-445-8788
All clients are required to have a signed RFC on file before services can be offered. This is a nationwide SBA-SBDC policy. Clients who complete the electronic RFC endorse the form by clicking “submit” and this is considered a valid signature of acceptance of conditions of service. Therefore clients are encouraged to use this as the best and most expedient form of accessing services. Once a signed or e-RFC is received, client will be directed to the next appropriate stage of business services based on their level of business establishment or maturity. All prospective entrepreneurs and start-ups are required to attend the Entrepreneurs’ Q&A session offered on Wednesdays 10am-12noon or 4-6pm. Please call for exact time for the week. There is a $20.00 per person fee to attend, however preregistration is required since a maximum of 10 businesses can be facilitated for each session.
Contact Us
Rutgers Business School
Livingston Campus
Janice H. Levin Building
94 Rockafeller Rd, 2nd Fl., Rm 223
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 848-445-8788
Fax: 732-445-2239
Email: njsbdcnb@business.rutgers.edu
The New Jersey Small Business Development Center at Rutgers-New Brunswick is an affiliate of the Rutgers Business School & NJSBDC network and funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. All services are extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis.