A Modern Approach to Career Management
Our program is committed to preparing you both academically and professionally for a career in finance, risk, asset and liability, trading, and research. Career management is about much more than finding an internship or even landing a job. From the moment you begin as a student in our program, you are being prepared to discover your career path and given the tools to launch a successful and satisfying profession.
Journey to Job-Readiness
Our goal is to make our students job-ready. That means that by the time you finish the program, you are ready and able to both communicate and demonstrate your knowledge and ability to apply the theories you learned in class to real-life situations.
Our program accomplishes this though a series of benefits, tools and opportunities for our students:
- Career coaching and advisement from a dedicated career manager
- Unique "Contemporary Issues in Finance" class offered exclusively to MQF students
- Guest lectures from industry leaders on relevant and contemporary topics in the field
- Experiential learning opportunities
- Access to internship and job opportunities, networking events, job fairs and career workshops
Hands-On Experiential Learning
The best way to be ready to contribute to a team when you enter the workforce is to have had experience working with real teams on real problems. As an extension of our career services offerings, our students are given exclusive opportunities to participate in an experiential learning course where, under guidance and formal supervision, they work with a financial company to solve a legitimate problem.
Experiential learning is where theory meets practice. This is where you, the student, can apply what you've learned through reading and class work to direct experience that benefits both you and a financial firm.
Career Management Requirements for Graduation
Through the Office of Career Management, the MQF Program helps every student to become a competitive candidate for the summer internship and full-time job search. To that end, these are the requirements set forth by the Program to be met prior to applying for graduation.
- Attend Four Career Management Workshops in the First Semester
- Approved Resume by Career Management Office
- Pass Mock Interview by Career Management Office