Students are required to complete a total of 30 credits to complete the MS in Marketing Analytics and Insights degree. View the suggested course sequence for a 1-year full-time student.
Required Courses
Students must complete all of the listed required courses (21 credits).
(22:630:586) Marketing Management - 3 Credits
The purpose of the course is to offer an understanding of the nature and role of Marketing in the firm and in society. Students will gain knowledge regarding the marketing decisions of price, place, promotion, product, develop an understanding of consumer behavior, market research, social and cultural factors affecting marketing. The course will expose students to a series of marketing principles, frameworks, and analyses. These techniques will be applied to a series of case studies to reinforce the concepts. At the end of the course the students should be able to develop effective marketing plans for products and services.
(22:630:604) Marketing Research - 3 Credits
Pre/corequisite: Marketing Management
Provides insight into the nature and assumptions of Marketing Research conducted by corporations and commercial research companies. Provides practical experience in planning and implementing marketing research. Covers the sale of marketing research in business management; survey research and questionnaire design; scientific marketing research design and planning; data collection; basic statistical tools for analysis; and report writing and communication of research results.
(22:630:679) Customer Journey Analytics - 3 Credits
Pre/corequisite: Marketing Management
This course introduces the concept of Customer Journey in the Digital world which spans digital channels (web, mobile, app) and non-digital touchpoints (1:1, call center etc.). Customer Journey Analytics is the process of tracking and analyzing the way customers use combinations of channels to interact with an organization (also known as omnichannel). The focus of the course is to understand every step of the customer journey in today’s digital world using analytics in order to give that customer a much better experience of how we market to them in a channel of their choice. The course combines practical applications and analytics platforms with an end goal of developing skills that help to derive actionable insights that will impact the organization’s acquisition, experience and retention strategies. It provides a broad overview of key digital analytics strategies, concepts, issues, challenges and tools.
(22:630:685) AI in Marketing - 3 Credits
Pre/corequisite: Marketing Management
This course will introduce you to the industry application of the most common machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques in marketing using industrialized statistical software. By the end of this course, you would learn how to optimize marketing spend, measure customer attitudes towards a product using unsupervised learning, and predict customer purchase behavior with supervised learning. You will also learn how to choose the right method for the most frequent business problems and will obtain hands-on experience in solving these problems.
(22:544:641) Analytics for Business Intelligence - 3 Credits
Prerequisite: Basic Statistics
This course is intended for business students of data mining techniques with these goals: 1) To provide the key methods of classification, prediction, reduction, and exploration that are at the heart of data mining; 2) To provide business decision-making context for these methods; 3) Using real business cases, to illustrate the application and interpretation of these methods.
(22:544:646) Data Analysis and Visualization - 3 Credits
Data analytics and visualization is an emerging field concerned with analyzing, modeling, and visualizing complex high dimensional data. This course will introduce state-of-the-art modeling, analysis, and visualization techniques. It will emphasize practical challenges involving complex real-world data and include several case studies and hands-on work with the R/Python programming language.
(22:630:691) Marketing Technologies - 3 Credits
Prerequisite: Marketing Management
This course scans the technology landscape that supports Data Analytics. Data Storage platforms: Cloud, Data Warehouse Data Lake; Data Fabrics, including role of tools like Domino, role of NLP (Natural Language Processing) and NLG in Analytics, COTS (commercial off the shelf). Course can get into developing ‘intelligent systems’ that take data and predictive and prescriptive analytics. And get into new emerging areas like Blockchain and NFTs. Students don’t have to understand the technology but get a good understanding of the role, application and outcome Also, associated ethical issues, including data privacy, are discussed.
Students are required to take 2 courses (6 credits).
(22:630:655) Consumer Data Analytics - 3 Credits
Prerequisite: Marketing Research
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) offers significant opportunities for organizations to successfully implement strategies, practices, and technologies aimed at winning, managing, and retaining customers profitably and, as a result, strengthening the organization’s competitive position. This course is designed to introduce students to both CRM fundamentals and the utilization of technology in managing customers. Through lectures, scholarly articles, case readings, and class discussions, students will gain an understanding of the key factors that impact CRM success.
or (53:630:509) Customer Analytics - 3 Credits
Course information coming soon
Online (Camden)
(22:630:677) Advanced Marketing Analytics - 3 Credits
Prerequisite: Marketing Research
Today’s managers typically have access to large quantities of data. Careful analyses of such data lead to an improved understanding of the marketplace and, in turn, improve the quality of marketing decisions. This course will cover statistical models and techniques that can be effectively used by managers on marketing data sets. This course emphasizes data situations that students are likely to face in marketing and consulting jobs. The main topics covered in this course are customer value measurement, segmentation & targeting analysis, positioning analysis, new product design decisions, and new product forecasting models. Students will learn to use several statistics software packages such as MEXL, SPSS, and Number Analytics.
In-person/ Hybrid
(22:630:689) Marketing Engineering - 3 Credits
Prerequisite: Marketing Research, Customer Journey Analytics
At the heart of great business organizations are great business decisions. Most modern business organizations use data to reliably make good decisions. In order to make a specific business decision, businesses typically rely on metrics generated from data. This course focuses on evaluating the performance of Marketing through attribution models. We will implement analysis and dashboards using Excel and Tableau.
In-person/ Hybrid
(22:544:603) Business Data Management - 3 Credits
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of database technology and its application in managing data resources. The conceptual, logical, and physical design of databases will be analyzed. A database management system will be used as a vehicle for illustrating some of the concepts discussed in the course.
In-person/ Hybrid
or (53:623:517) Data Management and Business Intel - 3 Credits
Course information coming soon
Online (Camden)
(22:544:635) Neural Networks and Deep Learning - 3 Credits
Prerequisite: Basic R, Python
This course introduces modern techniques of neural networks and deep learning, which have revolutionized machine learning and artificial intelligence practice to graduate students. The course heavily relies on software and libraries for deep learning, including Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, and similar tools, and students are required to conduct extensive projects. An end of term team project and presentation in class is also required. Students are exposed to extremely large data with a complex feature set. Pattern and image recognition, speech and sentiment analysis, and generating new images, texts, painting, and sounds from a given set of are among some application areas explored.
In-person/ Hybrid
or (53:716:545) Machine Learning Applications - 3 Credits
Course information coming soon
Online (Camden)
(22:544:660) Business Analytics Programming - 3 Credits
The goal of this course is to learn the principles of programming for business analytics using the Python and R programming languages. Programming is the fundamental background skill based on which all Information Systems are built. Even if it is not your goal to become a software developer, it is essential for an MBA graduate with concentration in Analytics and Information Management to possess a working knowledge of programming and fundamental insights into what a programmer does. This course provides you with this essential knowledge.
In-person/ Hybrid
(53:716:535) Big Data Analytics - 3 Credits
Course information coming soon
Online (Camden)
Capstone Courses
Students must complete one capstone course (3 credits).
(22:630:678) Marketing Consulting Projects - 3 Credits
Prerequisite: Marketing Research, Customer Journey Analytics
This is a Capstone course for Marketing Research which combines all aspects of the marketing research process in cased-based projects. As future Marketing Researchers, students will be trained to integrate results from exploratory, descriptive, and causal research processes and combine both qualitative and quantitative results to make persuasive presentation of the finding. In addition, the course will cover issues of client-vendor communication during the research process. The course will be based on textbooks, assigned readings, case analyses, and student projects.
In-person/ Hybrid
(22:135:634) Industry Client Project/Internship - 3 Credits
Prerequisite: Marketing Research, Customer Journey Analytics
This is an experiential course to be arranged.
In-person/ Hybrid
Suggested Course Sequence (1 Year Full-Time)
Spring |
Customer Journey Analytics |
Data Analysis and Visualization |
Track 1 (Insights Focused): Choose 2 | Track 2 (Analytics Focused): Choose 2 |
Consumer Data Analytics | Business Data Management |
Advanced Marketing Analytics | Neural Networks and Deep Learning |
Marketing Engineering | Business Analytics Programming |
Big Data Analytics |
Capstone: Choose 1 |
Marketing Consulting Projects |
Industry Client Project/Internship |