Our program is focused on providing you with experiences that add to the value of your Executive MBA degree long after you finish the program.
To that end, we provide opportunities for our students and alumni to expand their education through unique certification opportunities and access to professional development and executive education.
Rutgers Business School Executive Education
RBSEE is home to the internationally acclaimed Mini-MBA and offers relevant, cutting-edge programs that deliver measurable and observable outcomes. Delivered by award-winning faculty, RBSEE programs capture the essence of the most critical business topics of today, including digital marketing, engineering & technology management, economics, finance, biopharma, healthcare, and many more.
Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma is a management philosophy used to achieve operational excellence by maximizing efficiency through change and incorporating the customer’s voice. "Lean" focuses on reduction of waste and "Six Sigma" focuses on variation.
In this course, designed specifically for REMBA executives, participants learn how to use Lean Six Sigma quality, management and planning tools to achieve operational excellence in various industries including healthcare, IT, finance, education, pharmaceuticals and the public sector. In addition, students learn how to manage change through various team dynamics and hard-hitting case studies.
At the end of the course, participants will be eligible to get certified as a "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Executive" after passing an exam.
Faculty Spotlight
Gurpreet Singh
RBS Executive Education Lecturer
Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Ph.D., ASQ-MBB, CPSM, CPSD, C.P.M. is an international award-winning thought leader, consultant, entrepreneur, author, coach and educator.
Dr. Singh is a visiting Professor at Rutgers Business School, Rutgers University, NJ and teaches various MBA, MS and Executive MBA courses in the field of Lean Six Sigma and...