A wall of data on digital screens

Digital Human Resources

2-Day Program

Digital technologies play an increasingly prominent role in both the lives of employees and the Human Resources function. Digital HR management brings together social, mobile, analytics, and cloud technologies to revolutionize the employee and candidate experience through new digital platforms, apps, and ways of delivering HR services.

In this two-day Digital Human Resources Management program, we will focus on an array of topics related to how HR functional leaders can improve their digital literacy and best leverage digital tools to build their own integrated digital HR strategies and achieve organizational outcomes.

Topics covered
  • Key Digital Trends across HR Functions
  • Maximizing Human Capital
  • Rise of the Machines (leveraging technology such as robot process automation)
  • Challenges to making the shift across the enterprise
  • Creating Value with Digital HR
  • Analyzing and Managing Organizational Networks

Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to do more effectively:

  • Align HR’s strategies for recruiting, developing, and compensating “digital employees” (e.g., millennial) who are marked by digital orientations and an affinity for networking
  • Utilize “digital work,” including virtual forms of organizing, knowledge-sharing platforms, and work automation
  • Leverage “digital employee management” to recruit, facilitate learning and development, improve engagement, coordinate employee expertise, and support strategic objectives
  • Apply the principles and metrics of organizational network analysis (ONA) to visualize and analyze employee workflow, track referrals and career pathing, pinpoint key opinion leaders and flight risks

Participant & Industry Profile

This program is ideal for all HR professionals charged with the ability to lead informed, strategic decisions and augment business performance by integrating key digital HR management and leadership into the way the enterprise operates.

Digital is undeniably germane to a vast number of industries; however, this program is particularly well-suited for the following:

  • Tech
  • Telecommunications
  • Finance
  • Retail
  • Hospitality & Travel
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Manufacturing


Please contact Ladan Afrasiabi, Director of Corporate Solutions, at ladana@business.rutgers.edu.