A part-time internship with Goldman Sachs enriches student in unexpected ways
Renato Franco-Rosas had no idea where a three-month, part-time internship at Goldman Sachs would lead when he started juggling it around his junior year studies at Rutgers Business School.
So, where did it lead? A summer internship back at Goldman and a chance to vie for a $15,000 scholarship, which he won and will use to subsidize the cost of his senior year at Rutgers.
His story is an example of the kind of successes students experience during their years at Rutgers Business School.
Franco-Rosas was required to submit a video about one of Goldman’s principles. He chose No. 8, which emphasizes the importance of team work.
Scholarship for Excellence
An accounting and finance student, Franco-Rosas said he first learned the power of teamwork when he and a group of other Rutgers Business School students captured first prize in the annual Johnson & Johnson case competition. He gained more experience through his participation in the Marketing and Management Society, a student organization on campus. "If you have people working with you, you can get very far," he said.
His part-time internship made him eligible to compete for the scholarship, Franco-Rosas said, but his experience at Rutgers helped him to win it. He will spend most of the summer working full-time in the legal and internal auditing division at Goldman.
He said Rutgers Business School and Goldman Sachs both offer an environment of support and encouragement.
"People push one another to be successful," he said.
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