Media Coverage

Online Masters
Online Masters
Best for Government Employees

In the next few years, roughly a third of the government workforce will qualify for retirement, creating vacancies in agencies and departments at the local, state and federal levels of government. The need for qualified governmental accountants has never been greater, and a Rutgers Master of Accountancy in Governmental Accounting offers a great credential for candidates who want to fill those jobs. Rutgers Business School provides the same tuition rate for out-of-state students that it does for those who live in the state and enroll in the online Master of Accountancy in Governmental Accounting program.
Rutgers Today, Your daily source for universitywide news
Rutgers Today
Caliburn, a supercomputer with the computational power of more than 10,000 standard desktop computers, is catalyzing diverse, innovative research at Rutgers University and across New Jersey, according to the Rutgers Discovery Informatics Institute.

At Rutgers Business School, Gyorgy Matyasfalvi, a recent graduate of Professor Jonathan Eckstein’s group, built software tools for writing code that would be simple and readable yet run efficiently on hundreds or thousands of processors. Caliburn fulfilled an essential role in validating the research results on example problems involving planning the growth of electric power grid systems under thousands of possible demand scenarios.
New Jersey Business
New Jersey Business
Bitcoin was perhaps the hottest investment story of 2017, rising roughly 500 percent last year to a peak of more than $19,000 per coin. The digital currency’s precipitous drop in 2018 has cooled much of the speculative fervor, but it’s unlikely that the cryptocurrency is dead. Nor is it likely to replace the US dollar anytime soon, if ever, as the world’s dominant currency. The truth is likely somewhere in between.
Journal of Commerce
Journal of Commerce
Speaking at the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) forum at Rutgers Business School, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rudolf Leuschner, associate professor at Rutgers University’s Department of Supply Chain Management, suggested that the added cost could prompt ocean carriers to focus on serving only two or three ports, including the largest, on the US East Coast, rather than stopping at several ports as a vessel moves along the coast.

“If I am a ship [carrier] now stopping at every major port, starting in Jacksonville, Savannah, Charleston, etc., as I make my way up to New York, ­New Jersey, I think I am going to consider skipping some of these ports if every time I am wasting miles, wasting fuel,” he said. “We are going to see a selection process where some of the more important, or bigger, ports are going to receive more traffic while the smaller ports are going to see a decrease in traffic.”
International Leadership Association
International Leadership Association
Authentic Leadership for Progress, Peace & Prosperity, the 20th anniversary global conference hosted by the International Leadership Association (ILA), will examine authentic leadership through the lens of "leadership for what" while raising issues and challenges of critical theoretical and practical importance across the spectrum of leadership.

The conference will also feature Keith Grint and Joanne Ciulla, who will each be honored with the ILA's Lifetime Achievement Award for their respective accomplishments in advancing the field of leadership. Grint is a Professor of Public Leadership at Warwick University in Coventry, England whose recent research includes work on mindfulness in high-reliability organizations. Ciulla is Professor of Leadership Ethics and Academic Director of the Institute for Ethical Leadership at Rutgers University Business School. Her book Ethics: The Heart of Leadership is a classic in the field.
Pharm Exec spoke to program leaders from three of the top universities offering MBAs with pharma/healthcare concentrations to outline the structure of their courses and to consider the question that may challenge pharma-oriented students as they pursue the MBA path—that is, to specialize or not to specialize?

Rutgers’ Pharmaceutical Management MBA program was launched in 2000, instigated by a Novartis seminar in the late 1990s that highlighted the concern that the MBAs the industry was recruiting still needed further training in pharma and healthcare. Given New Jersey’s position as “the Mecca of the US pharmaceutical industry,” it was suggested that NJ-based Rutgers develop a suitable program. “We didn’t know at first how long the program would last,” says Mahmud Hassan, PhD, the program’s director, “but quickly we were amazed with the quality of the applicants.”
NJBIZ, All Business, All New Jersey
In the life cycle of businesses — launch, growth, and exit — the first phase is the most challenging, but it's also the most important. First, an entrepreneur has to figure out what he or she wants to do, then determine if there's a market for the venture. Of course, there's also the not-so-small matter of paying for everything.
Brian Bergen, owner of the interior landscaping company Bergen Botanicals, faced those challenges when he decided to launch a business.

“In 2013, I enrolled in the Rutgers University MBA program, and had the idea to identify an underserved market,” he noted. “Even after I later won a $20,000 first-place prize in the Rutgers 2014 Business Plan Competition, I continued to work full-time while I got the business off the ground,” he added.

Bergen’s approach meets most of the items on a virtual checklist designed by Jeffrey Robinson, academic director, The Center for Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development; and associate professor, management and global business, Rutgers Business School. “There are five things a person should consider before they start a business,” he said. “I call the process VOICE: Vision, Opportunity, Innovation, Capital and Entrepreneur’s network.”

Bloomberg BNA
Bloomberg BNA
Medtronic disagreed with the IRS’s use of the comparable profits method (CPM) for 2005 and 2006 audit years, which they argued wasn’t the best method and the results were inconsistent with the arm’s-length standard. The taxpayer filed a law suit in the U.S. Tax Court. On June 9, 2016, the Tax Court issued its decision stating that the IRS’s allocation of income to Medtronic for the intercompany licensing of intangibles was arbitrary, capricious, and unreasonable. The court rejected the IRS application of CPM and endorsed the comparable uncontrolled transaction (CUT) method applied by the taxpayer.

This paper addresses the IRS deficiency notice in the amount of $1.4 billion, Medtronic’s challenge and victory in the tax court, and the overturn in appeals. The case contains significant implications for tax courts, corporations and tax professionals relating to the application of the best transfer pricing method, the need for strict adherence to the regulations and analytical transparency. Tax analysis could now be subject to rigorous replication requirements.
Financial Review
Financial Review
"Shiller's CAPE: Market Efficiency and Risk" by Valentin Dimitrov and Prem C. Jain

Robert Shiller shows that Cyclically Adjusted Price to Earnings Ratio (CAPE) is strongly associated with future long‐term stock returns. This is often interpreted as evidence of market inefficiency. We present two findings contrary to such an interpretation.

First, if markets are efficient, stock returns should be higher than the risk‐free rate. We find that even when CAPE is in its ninth decile, future 10‐year stock returns, on average, are higher than future returns on 10‐year U.S. Treasurys. Thus, the results are largely consistent with market efficiency.

Second, consistent with a risk–return tradeoff, we find that CAPE is negatively associated with future stock market volatility.
NJBIZ, All Business, All New Jersey
In March, Rutgers University announced plans to establish the Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation. Backed by a $1 million donation from alumnus Gary M. Cohen, RICSI “will embed interdisciplinary coursework into the Rutgers Business School curriculum to prepare students to drive successful business results in sustainable organizations that are financially, environmentally and socially responsible,” according to a university announcement.

“There are similarities between corporate social innovation and corporate social responsibility,” according to Michael Barnett, professor of management and global business at Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick. “The key distinction is that with CSI, we are focusing on innovation as the means through which corporations improve society,” while also advancing the firm’s interests.
Urban Land Institute
Urban Land Institute
ULI Leader Lyneir Richardson, executive director for the Center for Urban Entrepreneurship and Economic Development at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, served as the panel’s chairman. “ULI created a truly rewarding service opportunity for the accomplished group of professionals on our panel,” Richardson said. “The land bridge is a novel real estate project concept that has the potential to essentially create ‘new land’ and can do so in a way that will actually foster inclusive economic growth and development. I genuinely hope that the full potential of the project is achieved – green space, housing, employment and wealth creation for neighborhood residents, health, education, and cultural heritage. If so, the Rondo community will be a national model for how government, the private sector, philanthropic and community leaders can work together to bring a big vision to fruition.”
The Atlantic
The Atlantic
Friendship is one of life’s most important features, and one too often taken for granted. The human desire for companionship may feel boundless, but research suggests that our social capital is finite—we can handle only so many relationships at one time.

So what should you do if your social life is lacking? Reconnected friends can quickly recapture much of the trust they previously built, while offering each other a dash of novelty drawn from whatever they’ve been up to in the meantime. Levin et al., “Dormant Ties” (Organization Science, July–Aug. 2011)
Top Management Degrees
Top Management Degrees
Doctoral degrees are the highest accomplishment that a professional can reach to gain a competitive advantage for positions in both business and academia.

Doctorate programs are generally seen to be equal in status and rigor to the Ph.D., the programs simply have a different focus. DBA programs are uniquely aimed at professionals working in the business world who plan to pursue careers in organizations and consulting firms. While a PhD is generally for those interested in more research and academic goals and careers. Within both degree options, students can expect to find networking opportunities, exams, leadership training, highly specialized courses, seminars, and dissertation work.

To help prospective students looking for the right fit in an executive-level management doctorate, here is our list of the year’s Top 50 On-Campus Doctorate in Business Management programs in the nation.

#33 Rutgers University
offers a highly recognized PhD in Management through the Rutgers Business School. This well-respected program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Students in the PhD program will select a specialization in Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Economics, Finance, Information Technology, International Business, Marketing, Operations Research, Organization Management, or Supply Chain Management.
When, if ever, should a small business owner consider a so-called secured business credit card?

A secure credit card is a credit card with a credit limit equal to the security deposit in the account (i.e., collateral). This is, if you have $1,000 in the account, your credit line limit will be $1,000. This type of credit, while limited, is useful for those who need to build a credit history. Secure credit cards behave, for all practical purposes, as a regular credit card. This means that the financial institution will provide regular credit reports to the credit bureaus, helping the credit card holder to establish a credit history. The better the handling of the card by the user (paying bills on time, keeping a balance) the better the credit history that it is developed.

Arturo E. Osorio
Assistant Professor of Professional Practice – Entrepreneurship, Management & Global Business at Rutgers Business School
The Daily Targum
The Daily Targum
The Rutgers chapter of Enactus is part of an international organization that supports community projects and provides long-term solutions to local businesses through employment and charitable activities.

The organization is currently helping the nonprofit Popcorn for the People, which hires and trains people on the Autism spectrum to make and sell gourmet popcorn.

It recently worked with the company to provide popcorn at Rutgers sports games.

Eugene Gentile, the director of the Office of Career Management in the Rutgers Business School and the faculty advisor of Enactus, said the organization tries to create long-term entrepreneurial solutions.

“What I find is that most of the time volunteer models eventually fail. Most of the time because they can be too labor intensive,” Gentile said. “We provide entrepreneurial solutions, this way an organization can continue to operate after a chapter leaves. We go in, set up a project and make sure that it can operate on it’s own, then (go) back out.”
The Daily Targum
The Daily Targum
The Rutgers Business School hosted 90 local high school students for a two-week camp this summer, providing both an academic and practical firsthand look into the world of business.

Now in its fifth year, students at the camp studied a wide variety of professions, including marketing, financing, accounting, managing and business analytics information technology (BAIT).

Ronald Richter, an assistant professor of Professional Practice at Rutgers Business School, co-created the program with other members of the department. Richter, who is also a former high school teacher, said he saw an opportunity to host a summer camp on Livingston campus after the new business school building was built.

It is important to give students a glimpse into both the industry and life at college, he said.

“I really wanted to keep the kids on campus, to let them know how this all goes down in the real world when you study this,” Richter said. “We’ve really seen this grow in popularity. The first year we had 18 campers, and five years later we had 90. We had to expand the camp from one week to two just to keep up.”
The News, International
The News, International
One of the many impediments that our society unfortunately possesses is the deficit of opportunities that we provide our women with. Safe and affordable access to transportation is one of them. While study finds out that the women in Karachi are four times less mobile than men, the statistics in rural areas are even more startling.

A possible solution to such issues lies in pilot projects that provide relief and benefits to a target audience. With an aim to bring an end to the transportation woes that women in Karachi encounter on a daily basis, 'Roshni Rides' is one such mission. A brainchild of four Pakistani-Americans recently graduated from Rutgers Business School in from New Jersey namely Gia Farooqi, Hasan Usmani, Hanaa Lakhani and Moneeb Mian, ‘Roshni Rides’ is deeply rooted in research that infers there exists a huge transportation crisis that female commuters suffer from. To alleviate the problem, ‘Roshni Rides’ provides a carpooling platform that connects to a network of nearby riders and dependable drivers. In Karachi, it is a cost-effective, easy-on-pocket means of transport that caters to women hailing from all walks of life, irrespective of their socio-economic affiliation, particularly labor workers, office workers and university students.

Team ‘Roshni Rides’ has since then been incubated at Karachi’s Nest i/O after moving to the city to launch the venture. On Thursday, the team hosted a panel discussion that was centered on mobility issues that women go through, which eventually impact their economic stability and financial independence.
Best Business Schools AACSB
Best Business Schools AACSB
Dominick DiCarlo, Elaine Lee, and Amanda Maher serve on the student executive board of Rutgers Business School’s (RBS) Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) chapter, the international honor society for academic achievement in the study of business, located only at AACSB-accredited institutions.

For each, BGS has provided them with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and advance their educational experience. In this interview, they share their perspective on how BGS has benefited their business education and how they feel it has prepared them for their future careers.
The CPA Journal, the voice of the profession
The CPA Journal
By Chanyuan (Abigail) Zhang, Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi, Ph.D.

The rapid pace of technological change continues to disrupt traditional procedures in all spheres, including the accounting profession. The authors examine the potential effects that disruptive technologies will have on both the profession at large and accounting education specifically. They provide suggestions for educators and universities on how to shape their curricula to meet the needs of the new environment.
Prudential Financial
Prudential Financial
Robert Falzon to succeed Mark Grier as Vice Chairman in December 2018 and a member of the Board of Directors in August 2019.

The Board also announced that Robert Falzon, Rutgers College (RC) ’81, executive vice president and chief financial officer of Prudential, has been named vice chairman of the company, effective December 1, 2018. Falzon will succeed Mark Grier, who will retire from Prudential and step down from the Board in August 2019, at which time Falzon will join the Board. Grier will transfer his functional management responsibilities to Falzon on December 1, 2018, and will support Falzon and Lowrey in their transitions, as well as focus on concluding some specific strategic projects.
Asbury Park Press
Asbury Park Press
Lord & Taylor, an anchor at Monmouth Mall for nearly 30 years, will close the store after the holiday shopping season, a company official said.

It gained a reputation for selling classical styled merchandise to high-end consumers, Marc Kalan, a marketing professor at Rutgers Business School in Newark and New Brunswick, said.

"The top end (shopping) is moving away and being dominated by a few retailers, and the mass is moving elsewhere, either to Target, Walmart or an Amazon," Kalan said. "If you think about it, they’re kind of caught in the middle."
My Central Jersey
My Central Jersey
Rutgers University has opened its doors this semester to the Class of 2022, the largest first-year class in the university’s history and one if its most diverse.

Many of the 9,300 students who have begun their post-high school academic careers on one of the university’s major campuses have already proven themselves both in and out of the classroom.

After four seasons as a standout at Millburn High School and much soul-searching, Peter Serruto postponed his chance to play Major League Baseball (MLB) with the Cincinnati Reds in favor of pursuing an academic career. Serruto of Millburn said it was the reputation of the Rutgers Business School as well as the Scarlet Knights’ baseball coaching staff that drew him to Rutgers-New Brunswick.
New Jersey Business
New Jersey Business
Rutgers University-Newark has had a presence in the city for more than 100 years, and today, boasts programs in industries ranging from arts and sciences, business and law to criminal justice, public affairs, and administration. The university employs some 1,600 faculty and staff members, spends a net of $356 million a year on salaries, and contributes local tax revenues of $31 million.

“We want to serve as a direct strategic partner in support of the city of Newark. We work closely with the mayor’s office and strive to be an anchor institution that’s committed to creating pathways for local residents to access our university,” says Arcelio Aponte, senior vice chancellor for administration and economic development and chief financial officer of Rutgers University-Newark. “We’re always working to develop our own strategic initiatives, but we’re also trying to meet the mayor’s expectations in terms of local procurement and having more faculty and staff live locally.”
9 Of The Best Business Schools For Careers In China

A career in China offers unprecedented velocity and the excitement of disruptive innovation.
Professor Kar Yan Tam, dean of Hong Kong’s HKUST Business School, says “China will remain the world’s major growth engine in the years ahead.”

7. Rutgers Business School (between 6. USC Marshall and 8. Stanford University Graduate School of Business)

Rutgers' strong internship placement, which has hovered "at or near 100% since 2007,” can launch graduates eastward. Lei Lei, dean of Rutgers Business School, says: "[Rutgers] students gain valuable US corporate working experience that companies in China respect.

"Our effort to instill our unique brand—Resilient, Resourceful, and Responsible—has given our students a strong work ethic and professionalism.”
My Central Jersey
My Central Jersey
Not only did Rutgers raise the highest amount of donations in the university’s history — $223.4 million — but for the first time in its history, more than 50,000 donors made or pledged gifts to the university.

Founded by Rutgers graduate Gary M. Cohen (Rutgers College '80 and Rutgers Business School '83) and supported by his intent to contribute $1 million, the Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation will embed interdisciplinary coursework into the Rutgers Business School curriculum, preparing students to drive successful business results in sustainable organizations that are financially, environmentally and socially responsible.
My Central Jersey
Three major cryptocurrency organizations have partnered to launch a rocket with bitcoin on it to the moon by 2020.

"The concept of Bitcoin to the moon has been very popular, a pop-culture-like comment and concept within the Bitcoin and broader blockchain ecosystem," said Cameron Schorg, chief business development officer at AirdropX.

"The purpose of RutgersBit is to spread the word of cryptocurrency and blockchain, especially the business applications of it," said Christian Buren, a second-year student at Rutgers Business School. "This allows us to take a non-technical approach to educating students — we can give an explanation of blockchain and cryptocurrency and since we're in Rutgers Business School, that allows us to utilize all the resources that Rutgers Business School has like connections to existing firms.
Rutgers Today, Your daily source for universitywide news
Rutgers Today
Many of the 9,300 students who will begin their post-high school academic careers on one of the university’s major campuses have already proven themselves both in and out of the classroom.

After four seasons as a standout at Millburn High School and much soul-searching, Peter Serruto postponed his chance to play Major League Baseball (MLB) with the Cincinnati Reds in favor of pursuing an academic career.

Serruto of Millburn said it was the reputation of the Rutgers Business School as well as the Scarlet Knights’ baseball coaching staff that drew him to Rutgers-New Brunswick.
Real Estate Weekly
Real Estate Weekly
A group of economists and real estate executives debated the U.S. and Global Outlook: Tax Cuts, Trade Wars and Rising Interest Rates during a symposium hosted by Atlantic Environmental Solutions Inc.

Participating speakers included economist Julia Coronado, Executive in Residence at Rutgers Business School, Morris A. Davis, Chair of Real Estate, Rutgers Center for Real Estate; Scott Perkins, NAI James E. Hansen; Jonathan D. Stravitz, SVN l BIOC; and Robert D. Pearson Esq., of the National Realty Club.

“While there is still plenty of bluster and noise on trade policy, two things are becoming increasingly clear: First, the prospect of rounds of tariffs imposed by the United States and counter-tariffs imposed by our trading partners have moved from being a threat to a reality,” said Coronado.
Petra Cephas, residential mortgage brokers
Petra Cephas, a Central Jersey mortgage broker company, is offering a financial need based scholarship towards the Rutgers Business School in New Brunswick and Newark.

The scholarship is aimed towards the B-STAR (Business Student Transition at Rutgers) program, a program designed to support high-performing and high-potential freshmen minority students that accepted admission to the Rutgers Business School. The scholarship will encourage students that demonstrate unmet financial need to apply for it.

Petra Cephas pledged to be a donor for the next five years with Rutgers University and plans to make more contributions towards scholarships with a total gift amount of $15,000.
Beijing Review, China's National English News Weekly Since 1958
Beijing Review
One of the Trump administration's intentions to add tariffs on autos, auto parts, steel and aluminum is to bring manufacturing back to the United States and revive jobs. However, experts said the idea shows U.S. misconception about world trade.

Farok J. Contractor, a professor in Rutgers Business School's management and global business department, said that while jobs will be preserved for a while against international competition in industries such as steel, winning back those already gone is difficult because global value chains take time to be reshaped.

He pointed out the fact that U.S. workers are losing many jobs because of automation rather than outsourcing. Statistics show that for every U.S. job lost through international outsourcing, three jobs are lost because of automation.
In its debut ranking by the Financial Times, Rutgers Business School's Executive Education earned the No. 11 spot among U.S. open enrollment programs.

"We are truly honored to be recognized in the premier global ranking for executive education," said Peter Methot, executive director of Rutgers Business School's Executive Education. "It amplifies that Rutgers Business School is a leading provider of professional and lifelong learning education for individuals and organizations."
When President Donald Trump last year signed into law the biggest tax overhaul in three decades, many experts concluded it was clear that most of the cuts went to the wealthy. Less clear was that the cuts disproportionately favor whites over minorities — a gulf that will likely worsen a centuries-old economic divide between the races.

Lawmakers should have been mindful of that fact when writing the law, said Jay Soled, director of the Masters of Accountancy in Taxation program at Rutgers Business School.

“The tax act largely and disproportionately helps Caucasians at the possible expense of those who are non-Caucasian,” Soled said. Republicans didn’t have “an agenda [of] ‘how do we hurt the non-Caucasians?’” But Congress “should be proactive in trying to reform the tax code in a way that doesn’t perpetuate or worsen income inequality,” he added.
Bloomberg | Quint
Bloomberg | Quint
Multinationals typically run their royalty agreements by the IRS before using them. The Medtronic decision has “very consequential” implications for companies relying on any kind of royalty agreement with the IRS, said Harvey Poniachek, a professor at Rutgers Business School.

Companies will need to thoroughly analyze how they’re valuing their transactions and be wary that past agreements with the IRS may not hold water for future transactions, Poniachek said.
Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec
Ranked third by Ivy Exec, the Rutgers Executive MBA Program from Rutgers Business School is ranked #5 in the U.S. Northeast and #15 in the world overall.

The 20-month program is comprised 85% of classroom experience and 15% of experiential learning. The average cohort size is 57. Classes meet every other week for a weekend and there is one week of required residency each term. The program also requires a 10-day immersive business experience in Shanghai and Beijing.

The average student sees a 53% salary increase after earning a Rutgers EMBA. The school offers access to career coaching as well as various workshops, job portals, and certificate programs designed to help you find the next rung in your career.
Omaha World-Herald
Omaha World-Herald
“It was very hard for him to make the decision,” Joanne Manhart, an executive assistant, told The World-Herald on Monday. “He enjoys doing that very much.”

“We were sad to get the news,” said Rutgers University business professor John Longo, who has brought groups of students three times to the Buffett question-and-answer program and hoped to bring another group in 2019. “I guess it had to end sometime, but I’m sad it’s ending now."

Word of the decision has gotten to the students, Longo said. “There was some disappointment that we couldn’t go back, but I have nothing but fond memories of the experience, and I’m grateful for the trips we took. ... I hope he lives past 100.”
New Jersey Business
New Jersey Business
The current bull market for US stocks, which began in March of 2009, will likely become the longest on record since at least the 1920s. The S&P 500 has increased roughly 300 percent since the depths of the Great Recession. Wall Street has an expression, “Bull markets don’t die of old age.” What causes bull markets to die and bear markets to begin? According to research by J.P. Morgan, bull markets typically die due to one or more of the following reasons: A forthcoming recession; extreme valuations; an aggressive central bank; or a commodity price spike.
The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) has named Miklos Vasarhelyi, a professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey, winner of the 2018 AICPA Distinguished Achievement in Accounting Education Award. The annual award honors full-time college accounting educators who are distinguished for excellence in teaching and have achieved national prominence in the accounting profession. This year’s award was announced today at the annual meeting of the American Accounting Association (AAA) in Washington, D.C.

Professor Vasarhelyi founded and serves as Director of the Rutgers Accounting Research Center (RARC) and Continuous Auditing and Research Lab (CAR Lab), where he assigns projects to PhD students to address audit technology issues for companies. He has held the KPMG Distinguished Professor of Accounting Information Systems professorship for more than two decades. Currently, he teaches at Rutgers Business School. A prolific author, he has published more than 20 books and 200 journal articles.
BizWomen, The Business Journals
New Jersey is where tech evolves.

That's according to entrepreneur Ritika Singh, Rutgers Business School MBA '17, who says New York may draw a lot of talent, but Garden State-based startups are eager and hungry for growth.

One of the places assisting these startups is Princeton, N.J.-based InnCreTech, where Singh is founder and CEO. The self-funded tech company expanded into an incubator so Singh can help fellow entrepreneurs execute their own technologies and innovations.
The Indian Wire
The Indian Wire
The government announced a 20% hike in import duties on about 328 textile goods on Tuesday. Knotted carpets, men’s and boy’s jackets, trousers, ensembles of silk, artificial fibre, garments for babies, women’s lingerie, bathrobes, men’s underwear are bound to experience cost hikes. Minister of State for Finance Pon Radhakrishnan sent a notification in the Lok Sabha.

With trade protectionism customers are left limited choices, infant industries seldom grow and sometimes this leads to inflation too, argues Arthur Guarino, assistant professor in the Finance and Economics Department at Rutgers University Business School.
“As investors start to look at hedge funds in terms of their broader portfolio, they’re using or employing more-customized solutions via managed accounts and nontraditional structures where they’re assessing hedge funds in numerous ways to fulfill their needs and objectives,” RBS alum Joe Gasparro, Rutgers MBA '11, who leads strategic advisory and content for Credit Suisse Capital Services, said by phone.
WBEZ 91.5 Chicago
WBEZ 91.5 Chicago
Last week, 33 small businesses on Chicago’s South and West sides were chosen to receive shares in $5 million worth of grant money from the city’s Neighborhood Opportunity Fund.

The grant money will go toward the development or rehabilitation of real estate and projects for small businesses in disinvested neighborhoods.

Lourdes Duarte of WGN-TV talks to two of the awardees about what they plan to do with the grant money. She also checks in with Lyneir Richardson​, executive director of The Center for Urban Entrepreneurship and Economic Development at Rutgers University. Richardson is an expert on investing in low-income, urban environments and will break down some of the challenges organizations like those face when trying to set up shop.
The United States government levied some massive tariffs against China this summer. And the move obviously wasn’t appreciated by leaders in China. In the end, the $34 billion in tariffs from the United States (on things like vehicles, medical devices, and industrial machinery) were met with $34 billion in tariffs from China (on things like vehicles, food, and beverages).

“When the elephants dance, everybody gets shaken up,” said Lyneir Richardson, executive director of the Center for Urban Entrepreneurship and Economic Development at Rutgers Business School. “In this instance, [small businesses are often] dealing with the supply chain asking for higher costs that cannot be quickly passed onto customers. It means more time thinking about pricing, renegotiating, and managing cash flow.”
The CPA profession has been hearing a lot about Robotic Process Automation (RPA), a software technology that can help auditors sift through structured data. But RPA can only do so much. Abigail Zhang, a PhD student in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems at Rutgers Business School, explains why auditors should also consider Intelligent Process Automation (IPA).

While RPA is good for some tasks, IPA expands its functions to make the automation scalable, flexible and intelligent. IPA is the trend of the future in automation, and the major RPA vendors are competing to make their products AI-powered.
The Washington Post, Democracy Dies in Darkness
The Washington Post
Your social calendar might be sucking the joy out of activities that are supposed to be fun or relaxing, according to an upcoming paper co-written by a professor who studies time management. The paper argues that when a leisure activity is planned rather than spontaneous, we enjoy it less.

The paper, to be published in the journal Current Opinion in Psychology in April, is written by Malkoc, an associate professor of marketing at Ohio State University, and Gabriela N. Tonietto, an assistant professor at Rutgers Business School. It notes that there are many things grabbing at our free time.
State of Affairs with Steve Adubato
State of Affairs with Steve Adubato
Clip: Season 2 Episode 17 | 7m 9s
Steve Adubato and Kevin Lyons, Associate Professor, Department of Supply Chain Management at Rutgers Business School, sit down to talk about the “Hire.Buy.Live.Newark” initiative and how it is significantly making an impact on the city and providing Newark residents with jobs.
India Abroad
India Abroad
When the character of Apu was created in 1994, he was the first Indian to show up on American TV. The character was described as a hard-working Indian store owner with solid values, something all Indians should be proud of. I can never accept some Indians, typically of the millennial generation, being so upset with his accent. I am a professor at Rutgers Business School and am pleased to report that some of my best students have accents.

My advice to those Indians upset with Apu's accent is to get over it. We come in all stripes. The chief executives of Microsoft and Google are Indian, as are so many taxi drivers in New York City and professors at top U.S. universities. Matt Groening and Frank Azaria, please do not kill off one of the most delightful characters on your show. Many of us will be devastated with his passing.
Ronnee Ades, the director for the master of quantitative finance program at Rutgers University, and Aniket Goel, Rutgers MBA student, join Bloomberg's Julie Hyman to discuss one of the first MBA classes to focus solely on ETFs and indexing. Goel represents a student team that won a competition to create an index.
CIO, Business Technology Leadership
A master’s degree in SCM can help you gain an edge in a growing field. Here are the ten schools that, according to Best Colleges, offer the best master’s programs — many of which can be completed part-time and online.

You can start a career in supply chain management (SCM) with a bachelor’s degree, but if you’re looking to climb the ladder and push your career forward, you will want to explore a master’s degree in the field. SCM is becoming an important role in multiple industries, including retail, manufacturing, technology and the federal government.

If you want to expand your expertise and get ahead of the competition, here are the top ten schools where you can get a master’s degree in supply chain management, according to data from Best Colleges.
Karyopharm Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq:KPTI), a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, today announced the appointment of Ian Karp as Vice President, Investor and Public Relations. In this role, Mr. Karp will lead all of the Company’s corporate communications activities, including corporate visibility, financial communications, and media and investor relations.

Mr. Karp holds a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Emory University and an M.B.A. from Rutgers Business School with a concentration in pharmaceutical management.
Globe Street
The study provides critical data to better inform decision-making for the public and private sectors alike.

Municipalities may need to increase their expectations of how new multifamily construction will affect their schools, and probably should stop using a “one size fits all” model in determining the impact of multifamily construction on local school capacity, according to research released by The Center for Real Estate at Rutgers Business School.

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