Ding, X. (2024). Benchmarking and performance progression: Examining the roles of market competition and focus, Journal of Operations Management, 70, 381-340
Wirtz, J., Hofmeister, J., Chew, P., Ding, X. (2023). Cost-effective service excellence: Revisiting the role of digital service technology and operations management approaches. Service Industries Journal. 43 (15-16), 1173-1196. Best paper winner of the “AIRSI2023 The Metaverse Conference”.
Peng, D. X., Ye, Y., Ding, X., Chandrasekaran, A. (2023). Uncover the black box of slack-performance relationship: An investigation of human resource slack and healthcare quality performance, Journal of Operations Management, 69, 1124-1152.
Francis, J., Baveja, A., Ding, X., Bagchi, A., Melamed, B., Hill, D. (2022). Navigating future shifts in healthcare service delivery: Three insights from supply chain management. Management and Business Review, 3(4), 28-36.
Peng, D. X., Ye, Y., Fan, R., Ding, X., Chandrasekaran, A. (2022). Cost-quality tradeoff in nurse staffing: An exploration of US hospitals facing market competition. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 42(5), 577-602.
Ding, X., Peng, X. (2022). The impact of electronic medical records on the process of care: Alignment with complexity and clinical focus, Decision Sciences, 53(2), 348-389.
Peng, X., Ye, Y., Feng, B., Ding, X., Heim, G. (2020). Impacts of hospital complexity on patient-level experiential quality: Mitigating roles of information technology. Decision Sciences, 51(3), 500-541.
Ding, X., Peng, X., Heim, G., Jordan, V. (2020), Service mix, market competition, and cost efficiency: A longitudinal study of US hospitals, Journal of Operations Management, 66(1-2), 176-198.
Lu, G., Ding, X., Peng, X., and Chuang, H. (2018), Addressing endogeneity in OM research: Recent developments, common problems, and directions for future research, Journal of Operations Management, 64, 53-64.
Ding, X. (2015), The impact of service design and process management on clinical quality: An exploration of synergistic effects, Journal of Operations Management, 36(2), 103-114.
Ding, X. (2014), The effect of experience, ownership and focus on productive efficiency: A longitudinal study of U.S. hospitals, Journal of Operations Management, 32(1), 1-14.