Josh Bershad
Executive MBA Lecturer
Executive MBA Lecturer
Leadership Lessons from the Frontline
It all began with an EMBA class Project in Prof. Rosa Oppenheim's Analytic Techniques course; the course is really Data-driven Strategy, and Rosa teaches two courses in The Powerhouse.
In a remarkable display of adaptability and creativity, Dr. Josh Bershad, then CMO at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in NJ, had deployed Prof. Oppenheim's Queuing Theory models to Healthcare! Instead of minimizing assembly and procurement time for components in an engineering process, Josh had now re-engineered the models to minimize patient waiting time, to shorten reimbursement time form insurance companies, to cut waiting time in the inner office after seeing the nurse, to optimize the follow-up scheduling, and so on. It was fascinating! It takes a lot for Rosa to be impressed---and she was impressed!
Fast forward to the present. Dr. Josh Bershad has created a C-level position at RWJBarnabas, the mega-hospital conglomerate in NJ, to run operations systems based on his original Rutgers EMBA project. Currently he is the Executive Vice President of Physician Services and also the Chief Medical Officer of the Rutgers Athletic Program, along with too many other activities and Board memberships to include here.
Josh has addressed the Powerhouse several times in the past, but now he will be featured on a regular basis in the newly engineered "Executive Leadership" course. Josh will conduct a session, "Leadership Lessons from the Frontline", based on his experiences in Healthcare from physician to CMO to EVP. The session, while embedded in Healthcare, will have Leadership lessons for every discipline. Furthermore, participants will connect with one of our all-star alums, and will also observe Josh's Presentations Skills, at the C-level.