John Tintera
Prof. John Tintera is a passionate brand strategist, content marketer and digital evangelist integrating strategic sales processes with best practices in finance, budgeting, product pipeline development, digital marketing, and copywriting. He believes that in today’s quickly evolving business environment, business development requires a broad range of skills, especially the ability to swiftly pivot strategies and tactics toward emerging markets and customers. John is a member of the Public Relations Society of America, New Jersey Chapter, and a Board Member of PRSA Tri-State.
In 2010, John obtained an Executive M.B.A. in Finance from Rutgers Business School in Newark and was president of the REMBA Alumni Association from 2012-2014.
Area of expertise: Business Writing
The Art of Strategic Writing
One of the less glamorous but absolutely necessary areas of “heavy lifting” in the business world—or any world, for that matter—is really effective writing. Beyond the speeches, the schmoozing, the PPT presentations and the conference calls, is the real written report. And this simply must be perfect; it has to draw readers to the main points, and then reinforce them by making precise, concise, and convincing arguments. The written document has to ensure that readers with limited time and often limited attention are “getting your point”.
Prof. John Tintera, writer, publicist, publishing executive extraordinaire, and Rutgers EMBA alum, will lead this 3-hour intensive session. “What’s the best way for executives to sell their proposals internally when they’re competing with other proposals for limited funds? How should executives communicate news that might not be very good, to their Boards of Directors, or to the Media? What do you write to the head of HR who is threatening to shrink the size of your staff?
The perfect memo, report or even email can and does make all the difference, and conversely, we all know what a badly worded email can do---thud! We have all been there!” This intensive seminar will be completely hands-on. You will be guided through a series of writing exercises and given on-the-spot feedback. Grow your writing muscles and learn to say what you mean—and say it well, and say it fast—every time.