Harvey Poniachek
Assistant Professor of Professional Practice
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Harvey Poniachek is a Ph.D. financial economist with corporate experience in consulting, banking and financial markets, professor of corporate finance and economics and is an author of books and professional articles. He is currently Assistant Professor of Professional Practice of finance & economics at Rutgers Business School. Previously, he was the Director of Valuation Services at RSM McGladrey, Inc. New York, involved in valuation of financial derivatives, private equity, and intercompany pricing; worked for the U.S. Treasury Department as lead economist in the area of transfer pricing, and was engaged in valuation of intellectual property and tangible assets; was senior manager and economist at E&Y; and VP & Economist at Bank of America, where he gained extensive experience in the banking industry and capital markets, and advised multinational companies and senior management on currency and money market trends, trading strategies, foreign country risk and opportunities.
Ph.D., State University of New York
"International Corporate Finance," In progress and under contract, World Scientific Publishing, 3/2025
"Mergers & Acquisition: A Practitioner's Guide to Successful Deal," Ed., World Scientific Publishing, 2019
"Cases in Corporate Financial Management," Ivan Brick & Harvey Poniachek, Eds., World Scientific Publishing, 8/2023
"International Corporate Finance, "Routledge, London, 1/2013 (hard copy & e-book)
"Cases in International Finance," John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1993.
"International Corporate Finance, "Unwin & Hayman, London and Boston, 1989
"Direct Foreign Investment in the United States," Simon & Schuster, NY, 1986.
Monetary Independence Under Flexible Exchange Rates ", Lexington Books, Lexington, Ma.
"Mergers & Acquisitions; Principles and Practices," Chapter 102, Encyclopedia of Finance, 2022, pp. 2457-2499, Springer, 5/2022
"Foreign Exchange Rate Determination," Chapter 2.3, in Abraham M. George and Ian H. Giddy, Eds., International Finance Handbook, John Wiley, New York, 1983, ISBN 13-978-0471098614.
"The International Financial Markets," Ch 18, in Ingo Walter, Ed., Handbook of International Business, John Wiley, New York, 1982 and 1988.
"Corporate Risk and Its Management," In Progress, September 2023
"Transfer Pricing Disputes and Litigations," Bloomberg BNA, Tax Management Transfer Pricing Reports, March 2020
"Medtronic Appeals Court Requires Transparent, Replicative Application of Tax Regulations," Bloomberg BNA, Tax Management Transfer Pricing Reports, Vol. 27, Bloomberg Tax, September 18, 2018
"Medtronic Revisited: Outcome Under OECD's BEPS Recommendations, "Bloomberg BNA, Tax Management Transfer Pricing Report, Vol. 25, No. 22, March 23, 2017, PP. 1295-1299
"The New Role of Intangibles in International Intercompany Transactions," Bloomberg BNA, Tax Management Transfer Pricing Report, Vol. 24, No 19, February 18, 2016, Pp. 1282-1284
"Forthcoming Changes in Intercompany Pricing and the Implications for Multinational Companies," Bloomberg BNA, Transfer Pricing International Journal, Vol. 16, No 6, June 2015, Pp. 27-30
"A New Paradigm for Intellectual Property Ownership and the Implication on MNEs' Intercompany Transactions," International Transfer Pricing Journal, BNA, August 2014
"Coping with Expanding State Transfer Pricing Rules," The CPA Journal, April 2013
"Transfer Pricing of Global Financial Dealing," BNA, International Transfer Pricing Journal, Oct. 2011
"Cost Sharing Agreements: Main Features and Implication," The International Transfer Pricing Journal, London May 2011
"Veritas Software Implications for the U.S. Temporary Rules," BNA, Transfer Pricing Report, Dec 2010
"Valuation of Distressed Companies and Securities," Valuation Strategies, Dec 2010
"Valuation of Hedge Funds," SM McGladrey, Revised Internal Memorandum, October 2009
"Valuation of Hedge Funds," The CPA Journal, Sept. 2008
"Valuation of Financial Companies," RSM McGladrey While Paper, 11/2008
"Intellectual Property Issues facing MNCs," Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, 5/2008
" Alternative Definitions of Money in an Open Economy," Kredit und Kapital, Berlin, Issue 1/1980
"Transfer Pricing Disputes and Litigations," Tax Executives Institute (TEI) & The Stamford Tax Association, Stamford, Ct. 1/30/2020
"Medtronic v. Commissioner in Appeals Court," The Stamford Tax Association, 9/25/2018
"Medtronic Transfer Pricing Court Case," The Stamford Tax Association, 2/23/2017
"Taxation of Intellectual Property in Transfer Pricing and Mergers & Acquisitions," The Stamford Tax Association, 1/23/2016
"Major Issues in International Taxation: Transfer Pricing of Intangibles and Greater Disclosure and Transparency," Tax Executives Institute and The Stamford Round Table, April 23, 2015
"Intercompany Transactions Involving Intangibles: Ownership, Entitlement to Income, and Transfer Pricing Issues," Presentation at The Stamford Tax Association, February 26, 2015
"A New Paradigm for Intellectual Property Ownership and the Implication on MNEs' Intercompany Transactions," Presentation at the Stamford Tax Association meeting, March 27, 2014
"State and Local Tax Issues of Transfer Pricing," Paper Presented at the Stamford Tax Association Meeting, October 16, 2012,
"Cost Sharing Agreements: Main Features and Implication," Presentation at the Stamford Tax Association, March 31, 2011
"The International Financial Markets," Presentation, Executive MBA, Barcelona, Spain, June 10, 2010
"The Economic Impact of BP Oil Spill," A proposed Regional Impact Study, McGladrey, July 10, 2010
"Dodd-Frank and the Reform of the U.S. Financial Markets," July 20, 2010, McGladrey, Memorandum
"Transfer Pricing: An Introductory Lecture," NYU School of Law, 1/20/2009
"The Economic Impact of The Summer Olympics Games on the City of New York: An economic impact study that utilized the Commerce Department Regional Input-Output Tables." Prepared at E&Y for the NYC Sports Commissioner in 1990 and was designed to assist the city in determining the cost-benefit of bidding for the games
"Does managerial reluctance of dividend cuts signal future earnings?" March 9, 2020, Review for Quantitative Finance and Accounting (I'm a Member of the Editorial Board)
Book review for The MIT Press: Daniel Stillit, Event-driven Investing, and Corporate Finance: Where Investment Banking Meets the Market, A "Whole Deal" Approach, The MIT Press, April 2015
Book review for Pearson: Roger D. Blair and Mark Rush, The Economics of Managerial Decisions, Pearson, Forthcoming 2014
Book review for Oxford University Press: Thomas J. O'Brien, International Financial Economics, Corporate Decisions in Global Markets, Oxford University Press, 2011
Book review for McGraw Hill Irwin: J. Ashok Robin, International Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, 2010
Book Review for Academic Press: Donald DePamphilis, Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities, 3rd Ed., Academic Press, New York, 2006.
Edited Ingo Walter, Mergers and Acquisitions in Banking and Finance: What Works, What Fails and Why? Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004.
Edited Thomas A. Pugel, International Economics, 14 Ed, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, 2008
Edited Stephen L. Curtis, Transfer Pricing for Corporate Treasury in the Multinational Enterprise, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Spring 2008
Edited Thomas A. Pugel, International Economics, 13 Ed, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, 2006
Edited Thomas A. Pugel, International Economics, 12th Ed., McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, 2003
Edited Richard M. Levich, International Financial Markets: Prices and Policies, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, 2001