Douglas Jones
Professor Jones’ course offerings include advanced statistics and regression methods for the Ph.D. Program and the MBA Program. His published works deal with asymptotic theory in statistics, Bayesian applications in educational measurement, and statistical applications of mathematical programming. Jones was formally a research scientist at the Educational Testing Service. He has consulted with the State Attorney General on litigation involving licensing and certification; American College Testing and Law School Admission Council in test assembly; the State Chamber of Commerce in statistical surveys; and the United States Golf Association in general statistical methods. He has received several research contracts with the Office of Naval Research.
Ph.D., Florida State University; Mathematical Statistics
Jones, Douglas H. & Mendez, Francis. (2007) A Bayesian Method forRecord-Based Disclosure Control. Decision Science Institute Proceeding.
Jones, Douglas H. & Mendez, Francis. A BAYESIAN METHOD FOR QUERYAPPROXIMATION. Submitted to Journal of Applied Statistics.
Jones, Douglas H. & Mendez, Francis. (2005). Creating Artificial Datasets for Association Rules Algorithm Evaluation. Proceedings of the Decision Science Institute, November 2005. 7pp.
Greyserman, Alexander; Jones, Douglas H. & Strawderman, William E.(2005). Portfolio Selection Using Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis andMCMC Methods. Journal of Banking and Finance. 25 pp. In press, Available on-line 8 August 2005.
Jones, Douglas H. & Nediak, Mikhail. (2005). Optimal On-lineCalibration of Testlets. In M. Berger and W.K. Wong (Ed.s), AppliedOptimal Designs. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 21-43.
Armstrong, Ronald D., Jones, Douglas H., Koppel, Nicole B. & Pashley,Peter J. (2004). Computerized Adaptive Testing With Multiple-FormStructures, Applied Psychological Measurement, May 2004; 28: 147 -164.
Jones, Douglas H., and Mendez, Francis. (2003). Strategicresource-allocation decision in pharmaceutical research anddevelopment. Proceedings of the Northeast Decision Science Institute,March-2003. 7pp.
Armstrong, Ronald D., Jones, Douglas H., & Wang, Zhaobo. (1998).Optimization of classical reliability in test construction. Journal ofEducational and Behavioral Statistics, 23, 1-17.
Armstrong, R.D., Jones, D.H., and Cordova, M.J. (1997). Mathematicalprogramming approaches to computerized adaptive testing, Presented tothe American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois,March-1997.
Jones, Douglas H., Chiang, J., & Jin, Z. (1997). Optimal designs forsimultaneous item estimation. Nonlinear Analysis, Methods &Applications, Vol. 30: No. 7 pp. 4051-4058.
Armstrong, Ronald D., Jones, Douglas H., Li, Xuan, & Wu, Ing-Long.(1996). A study of a network-flow algorithm and a non-correctingalgorithm for test assembly. Applied Psychological Measurement, 20,89-98.
Armstrong, Ronald D., Jones, Douglas H., & Wang, Zhaobo. (1995).Network procedures to optimize test information curves with sideconstraints. In K. D. Lawrence (ed.), Volume 8, Applications ofManagement Science: Network Optimization Applications. Greenwich,Conn.: JAI Press Inc., pp. 189-212.
Jones, Douglas H. & Jin, Zhiying. (1994). Optimal sequential designsfor on-line item estimation. Psychometrika, 59, 57-75.
Armstrong, Ronald D., Jones, Douglas H., & Wang, Zhaobo. (1994).Automated parallel test construction using classical test theory.Journal of Educational Statistics, 19, 73-90.
Armstrong, Ronald D., Jones, Douglas H., & Wu, Ing-Long. (1992). Anautomated procedure for test development of tests parallel to a seedtest. Psychometrika, 57, 256-271.
Selzer, Martin B., Jones, Douglas H., & Lucken, Jack. (1990).Heteroskedasticity in validation of personnel selection models.Proceedings of the American Statistical Association Annual Meeting,202-208.
Name: Christopoulos, Andreas
Graduation Date: 2014/October
Thesis Title: Comparisons and Extensions of Structural and Reduced Form Approaches to Pricing of Commercial Real-Estate Securities and Loans in the Financial Crisis (2007-2010) and the Recovery (2013-2014)
(Co-directed with Robert Jarrow, Cornell University)
Name: Mendez, Francis
Graduation Date: 2006/May
Thesis Title: Updating Algorithms for Data Warehouses.
Name: Berliner, Nicole
Graduation Date: 2000/May
Thesis Title: Curve Fitting with Applications to Optimal Test
Assembly. (Co-directed with R. D. Armstrong)
Name: Cordova, Mario
Graduation Date: 1997/May
Thesis Title: Computerized Adaptive Testing. (Co-directed with R. Armstrong.)
Name: Li, Xuan
Graduation Date: 1996/May
Thesis Title: Optimization Methods in Computerized Adaptive Testing.
(Co-directed with R. Armstrong.)
Name: Greyserman, Alexander
Graduation Date: 1996/May
Thesis Title: Empirical Bayes Methodology in Optimal Financial Portfolios.
Name: Chiang, Junn-Yih
Graduation Date: 1996/May
Thesis Title: Optimal Designs for Simultaneous Item Estimation
Name: Wang, Zhaobo
Graduation Date: 1992/October
Thesis Title: The Generation of Standardized Tests Using Integer Programming
Name: Wu, Ing-Long
Graduation Date: 1992/October
Thesis Title: Test Construction with Item Matching Procedures
Name: Katsebekis, Demitrios
Graduation Date: May/1993
Thesis Title: Market Efficiency in the Presence of "Informed Outsider"
Trading (Co-directed with David Witcomb)
Name: Selzer, Martin
Graduation Date: 1992/May
Thesis Title: Modeling Heteroskedasticity Using Quasi-Likelihood and
Ordinary Least Squares Residuals with Applications to Personnel
Selection Models
Name: Wang, Yuchung
Graduation Date: May/1980
Thesis Title: Log-Linear Models for Partially Ordered Data.