Forecasting future risk and inflation using long term interest rates

A new vlog by professor Farrokh Langdana explains how long-term sovereign bonds can be forward-looking indicators, especially for future inflation risk.

In an intimate way, Farrokh Langdana, Director of the Rutgers Executive MBA Program and professor of finance & economics at Rutgers Business School, explains and demystifies some difficult macroeconomic concepts such as deficit sustainability, trade wars and anti-dumping duties, and long term interest rates and future inflation.

Prof. Langdana has published five books and received over 30 teaching awards in three continents, including Rutgers University’s highest teaching award, the Warren I. Susman Teaching Excellence Award.

Watch video:

Read reactions to the video from EMBA students & alumni:

Prof., Thank you for this wonderful video and explanation. Also liked the screen you used to show the graphs. Excellent use of the tool for such videos.
—  Ravi Badge, Prudential, REMBA
Dear Professor Langdana,
Trust you are doing well. That is such a fantastic piece. I enjoyed the blog so much on long term sovereign bonds. Short but loaded. Can't take away or add anything to it. Brought back a lot of memories from Macro class. Hope to see you in the near future.
—  Fola Odukoya, REMBA
The video was amazing. Loved the new studio.
—  Neal Shah, EMBA Alumni President
Thank you for sharing. You are a star!. A new star is born! Seriously, posting videos is the best form of communication. Looking forward to another installment of the Langdana Vlog.
—  Christopher Klemensowicz, REMBA 2018
Perfect timed video! Perfectly produced video! And what a cool layout with that fancy board. Lastly, what tuition bill comes with a lifetime annuity with education snippets like this? My physician wife's 300K education certainly doesn't!
All the best Farrokh and, really, thank you for keeping us proud EMBAs informed.
—  Frank Salerno
Excellent!! as always. Keep up the great work!!
—  Michael Hylton, REMBA
This was great! Thank you so much. With a daughter in graduate school who has to likely take out loans, it is very helpful information. All the best, Carol

—  Carol Aloisi, EMBA 1991
Thanks for sharing. Needless to state this but will state - every time I see, I get a new dimension of the concept you explain. Power of powerhouse.
—  Lakshmi Kumar
Prof. Farrokh thank you for a refresher.

It certainly looked like you were a magician floating in waves of equation and graphs making complex macro fun and easy to understand!
Look forward to more blogs.
—  Udayan Shukla, REMBA
Thank you for making the video. Love it. The video looks professional and high quality. Very cool transparent blackboard! I have shared it with my friends on all my social networks.
Keep it coming. Very proud to be your student and happy to be part of the Powerhouse.
—  Bala Pitchandani, REMBA 2019
29 Mar
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