Rutgers Business School-Newark Trading Room instruction facilities.
Rutgers Business School highly ranked in Value Colleges Top 50 Best Value lists
Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick is recognized as the number-one public business school in the Northeast and the business school that is ranked number one in the U.S. for return on investment for a business degree in terms of total salary increase three years after graduation. RBS is one of the top three business schools in the New York City Region, and is the highest-ranked business school in New Jersey.
Rutgers Business School increasingly ranks exceptionally well in the most important publications:
#1 MBA Employment among the Big 10 Schools - Financial Times
#1 Public Business School in the Tri-State Area (NY, NJ, CT) - U.S. News & World Report - Learn More
#1 Return on Investment, salary increase (%) in the US - Financial Times - Learn More
#1 MBA employment among the Big 10 Schools - U.S. News & World Report
#1 MBA job placement in the U.S. - Bloomberg Businessweek
#1 Public Business School in the Tri-State Area (NY, NJ, CT) - U.S. News & World Report - Learn More
#1 most women students (45.9%) among the Big 10 B-schools - U.S. News & World Report - Learn More
Value Colleges, whose motto is “The best colleges. The lowest costs. The highest returns.” recently published their “Top 50 Best Value” rankings in which a range of Rutgers Business School programs were again recognized by another respected publication.
Value Colleges, per their website, ranks universities, schools and programs to show where the lines of educational quality, reasonable costs, marketable degrees, and personal growth come together for the best values in higher education.
“Value Colleges researches reputable, accredited colleges and universities to produce rankings of college degree programs with the lowest tuition, the best return on investment, the best job placement statistics, and the best ratios between all of those factors, making it easier for you to see just what you’ll need to put into an education, and just what you can expect to get out of it.”
Rupa Banerjee, RBS MBA '16
#16 in Top 50 Best Value Graduate Schools
ValueColleges ranked Rutgers University #16 in the nation for Top 50 Best Value Graduate Schools for 2017. Rutgers’ graduate programs are ranked among the best in the nation, especially in areas such a mathematics, statistics, and science, and the Rutgers Business School is one of the most competitive in the northeast. Rutgers is well known for their outreach to first-generation students, as well as for their success in feeding graduates to elite positions.
#11 in Top 50 Best Value Master’s in Taxation
Rutgers Master of Accountancy in Taxation ranked #11 in Top 50 Best Value Master’s in Taxation Degrees 2017. This 30-credit program is designed for current or prospective CPAs who intend to focus on a career in taxation accounting, and is scheduled for the convenience of busy working adults, with night and weekend classes.
#13 in Top 50 Best Value Online Master’s in Accounting
The fully online 30-credit Master of Accountancy in Governmental Accounting program is the only online program of its kind in the U.S. This program is ranked #14 in the nation according to the 2016 US News & World Report ranking for "Best Online Graduate Business Programs."
#14 in Top 50 Best Value Online Master’s in Management
The Rutgers Online MS in Supply Chain Management degree program is a 30-credit curriculum focused on the specific requirements of the modern global trade and shipping industry. The field of supply chain management is one of the fastest-growing areas in business today. Some of the largest and most successful global companies like Apple, Amazon, and P&G view supply chain management as a core competency and are actively recruiting supply chain management graduates.
#4 in Top 30 Best Value Digital Marketing Certificate
Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business has collaborated with Rutgers Business School for a unique, accelerated Digital Marketing Certificate Program. Held at Notre Dame’s Chicago campus, this week-long intensive course prepares professionals for the business of online marketing, combining the strengths and job market reputation of both Notre Dame and Rutgers.
#32 in Top 50 Best Value MBA Programs
Workers with an MBA make much more than those without, get to higher positions, and have more job security. Rutgers Business School MBA, from Rutgers University, has the distinction of being named the best public MBA in the NYC region by U.S. News & World Report, and there’s something very important in that statement: the New York City region. If one of the main objectives of an MBA program is to provide connections to the business world – and it is – the New York City region may be the single most important area. Students can choose a traditional full-time MBA with many concentrations, including Analytics and Information Management, Pharmaceutical Management, and Global Business, or the part-time program for working professionals who wish to earn a degree while keeping their current job.
Learn more about Rutgers Business School academic programs.
-Sean Ireland
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