Miklos Vasarhelyi
KPMG Distinguished Professor of Accounting Information Systems and Director of Rutgers Accounting Research Center and Continuous Auditing & Reporting Lab (CAR Lab)
KPMG Distinguished Professor of Accounting Information Systems and Director of Rutgers Accounting Research Center and Continuous Auditing & Reporting Lab (CAR Lab)
Professor Miklos A. Vasarhelyi is the KPMG Distinguished Professor of Accounting Information Systems and serves as Director of the Rutgers Accounting Research Center (RARC) & Continuous Auditing & Reporting Lab (CAR Lab).
He is credited with developing the original continuous audit application and is the leading researcher in this field. At Rutgers Business School, Professor Vasarhelyi heads the Continuous Auditing and Reporting Laboratory, which works on projects for such leading companies as Siemens, KPMG, Procter & Gamble, AICPA, CA Technologies and Brazil’s Itau-Unibanco. Also, he leads the RADAR (Rutgers AICPA Data Analytics Research Initiative) project supported by the 8 leading CPA firms, AICPA, and CPA Canada.
Vasarhelyi, who received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from UCLA, has published more than 200 journal articles, 20 books, and directed over 40 Ph.D. theses. He is the editor of the Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing series and the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting.
The professor also has taught executive programs to many large international organizations, including GE, J&J, Eli Lilly, Baxter, ADL, Volvo, Siemens, Chase Bank, and AT&T.
He received his MBA from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in economics and electrical engineering from the State University of Guanabara and the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He taught at USC, Columbia and worked at the Bell Laboratories.
Professor Vasarhelyi was chosen as the Outstanding Accounting Educator by the AAA in 2015 and received ISACA’s Wasserman Award among many distinctions.
To learn more about Professor and Rutgers Accounting Web click here.
Ph.D., University of California; Accounting Information Systems
Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing: International Prospectives, Vol. VI, (with E. Bonson and R. Hoitash), Markus Wiener Publishers, 2005, part of the Rutgers Accounting Series.
"An Empirial Study of Net Assets Disclosure, Inflation Accounting Revisited", (with David,Yang, C.Liu, and K Shima,) International Journal of Business, 10(4), 2005
"XBRL: A New Tool For Electronic Financial Reporting", (with Jia Wu), Business Intelligence Techniques: A Perspective from Accounting and Finance, 2004, pp. 73-92.
"Industrial Managemnt and Data Systems: A Note on the Using of Accounting Databases", (with David Yang and Caixing Liu), Industrial Managemnt & Data Systems, Vol. 103, No. 3, 2003, pp. 204-210.
"The Optimal Frequency of Demand-monitoring and Real Time Pricing in On-line Transactions," (with Hui Du and Qiong Wang), The New Review of Applied Expert Systems, Volume 7, 2001, pp.117-128.
"The Ex-ante and Ex-post Relationships Between Bond Ratings and SFAS 33 Measures", (with David Yang), International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, Vol.1, No.1, Aug. 2000.
"Intelligent Software Agents in Acounting:an Evolving Scenario," (with Rani Hoitash) in The Evolving Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems: An International View, Volume 6, (M.A. Vasarhelyi and A. Kogan Eds.) Markus Wiener Publishing, Inc.,2000.
"Qualitative Corporate Dashboards for Corporate Monitoring", (with Peng Jia), IS Audit and Control Journal, Fall 1999, Volume 5, pp.45-48.
"Adaptation and Use of Reliability Concepts in Internal Control Evaluation," (with B. N. Srinidhi), Advances in Accounting, supplement 1, 1989.
"Financial Accounting Database: Methodological Implications of Using the Compustat and Value Line Database," (with David Yang), May, 1988
"Trends in the Evolution of Scholarly Accounting Thought: A Quantitative Examination," (with D. H. Bao and J. Berk), The Accounting Historians Journal, 1988.
"Technological Change and Management Information Systems" (with Yang, D. C.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, 1988.
"Technological Change and Management Information Systems" (with Yang, D. C.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, 1988.
"Selecting Financial Accounting Databases for Management Information Systems," (with Yang, D. C.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, 1987.
"Empirical Characteristics of Debenture Conversions: The Issue of Equivalency", (with J. B. Knauf), Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Vol. 2 (new series), # 1, Winter 1987.
"Selecting Financial Accounting Databases for Management Information Systems," (with Yang, D. C.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, 1987.
"Financial Accounting Databases: Issues for MIS Design," (with Yang, D. C.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, 1986.
"Financial Accounting Databases: Issues for MIS Design," (with Yang, D. C.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems Sciences, Hawaii, 1986.
"Auditor Judgment Concerning Establishment of Substantive Tests Based On Internal Control Reliability," (with B. N. Srinidhi), Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Spring 1986.
"A Stochastic Model of Professional Accountant Turnover," (with B. B. Bao & D. H. Bao), Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 10, # 4, 1985.
"FASB Statement 33 Data Bank: User's Manual," (with T. Verghese, A. Phillips, and B. Welch), FASB, Stamford, Conn., 1981 (Version IV, 1985).
"Documentation of FASB Statement 33 Data Bank Project," (with T. Verghese, A. Phillips, and B. Welch), FASB, Stamford, Conn., 1981 (Version II, 1983).
"FASB Statement 36 Data Bank: User's Manual," (with David C. H. Yang), March 1982 (Version II, 1983).
"Editores de texto: Uma Experiencia em APL" (with D. Schwabe), Proceedings of the Brazilian NationalData Processing Meeting, September, 1974. Internet Column for the ISACA journal (with A. Kogan and E. Sudit), 1) the Rutgers Accounting Web, and 2) privacy and security over the Internet.
"TREAT System Manual," (with W. Thomas Lin, Robert Benkaim, and Luis Carlos Duclos).
"TREAT Instructor's Manual," (with W. Thomas Lin and Ian Daley).
A.Kogan. M.Alles. M.Vasarhelyi. J.Wu. Continuity Equations in Continuous Assurance. Presented at AAA annual meeting. Orlando, 2004.
Name: Liu, Ruanjia
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Name: Hu, Hanxin
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Name: Du, Hongmin
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Name: Gu, Hanchi
Graduation Date: 2024/May
Name: Huang, Qing
Graduation Date: 2024/May
Name: Lee, Heejae
Graduation Date: 2023/October
Name: Wang, Xinxin
Graduation Date: 2023/May
Name: Kim, Jumi
Graduation Date: 2023/May
Name: Duan, Huijue
Graduation Date: 2022/October
Name: Wang, Wenru
Graduation Date: 2022/October
Name: Zhang, Lu
Graduation Date: 2022/October
Name: Wu, Chengzhang
Graduation Date: 2022/May
Name: Zhang, Chanyuan
Graduation Date: 2022/May
Name: Hsieh, Sheng-Feng
Graduation Date: 2021/May
Name: Cheong, Arion
Graduation Date: 2021/May
Name: Zhou, Jiahua
Graduation Date: 2020/October
Name: Alzamil, Zamil
Graduation Date: 2019/May
Name: Rozario, Andrea
Graduation Date: 2019/May
Name: Liu, Yue
Graduation Date: 2019/May
Name: Alrafei, Abdulrahman
Graduation Date: 2019/May
Name: Li, Qiao
Graduation Date: 2019/Jan
Name: Huang, Feiqi
Graduation Date: 2019/Jan
Name: Chiu, Tiffany
Graduation Date: 2018/May
Thesis Title: Exploring New Audit Evidence: The Application of Process Mining in Auditing
Name: Sun, Ting
Graduation Date: 2018/May
Thesis Title: Deep Learning Applications to Audit Decision Making
Name: Li, He
Graduation Date: 2017/October
Thesis Title: Three Essays on Cybersecurity-Related Issues
Name: Dai, Jun
Graduation Date: 2017/October
Thesis Title: A New Vision of Auditing: Audit Apps
Name: Appelbaum, Deniz
Graduation Date: 2017/May
Thesis Title: Public Auditing, Analytics, and Big Data in the Modern Economy
Name: Moharram, Basma
Graduation Date: 2016/October
Thesis Title: New Trends in Auditing: Application of Life/Disability Insurance
Name: Arisandi, Desi
Graduation Date: 2016/May
Thesis Title: The Implimentation of Data Analytics in the Governmental and Not-for-Profit Sector
Name: Kozlowski, Stephen
Graduation Date: 2016/May
Thesis Title: A Vision of an ENHanced ANalytic Constituent Environment: ENHANCE
Name: Yoon, Kyunghee
Graduation Date: 2016/May
Thesis Title: Three Essays on Unorthodox Audit Evidence
Name: Moon, Dae Hyun
Graduation Date: 2016/January
Thesis Title: Continuous Risk Monitoring and Assessment: CRMA
Name: Alawadhi, Abdullah
Graduation Date: 2015/May
Thesis Title: The Application of Data Visualization in Auditing
Name: Liu, Qi
Graduation Date: 2014/October
Thesis Title: The Application of Exploratory Data Analysis in Auditing
Name: Teeter, Ryan
Graduation Date: 2014/May
Thesis Title: Essays on the Enhanced Audit
Name: Chiu, Victoria
Graduation Date: 2013/October
Thesis Title: The Development and Intellectual Structure of Accounting Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
Name: Kuenkaikaew, Siripan
Graduation Date: 2013/October
Thesis Title: Predictive Audit Analytics: Evolving to a New Era
Name: Lombardi, Danielle
Graduation Date: 2012/October
Thesis Title: Using an Expert System to Debias Auditor Judgment: An Experimental Study
Name: Krahel, John Peter
Graduation Date: 2012/October
Thesis Title: On the Formalization of Accounting Standards
Name: Thiprungsri, Sutapat
Graduation Date: 2012/January
Thesis Title: Cluster Analysis for Anomaly Detection in Accounting Data
Name: Chakraborty, Vasundhara
Graduation Date: 2011/October
Thesis Title: Three Essays on Using Text Analytic Techniques for Accounting Research
Name: Kim, Yong Bum
Graduation Date: 2011/October
Thesis Title: Continuous Monitoring: Macro- and Micro-level Control
Name: Romero, Silvia
Graduation Date: 2008/October
Thesis Title: Testing Human Factor Tailored Information Reports for Individuals with Different Cognitive Characteristics
Name: Wu, Jia
Graduation Date: 2006/October
Thesis Title: Test of Details and Analytical Procedures in Continuous Auditing
Name: Badua, Francisco
Graduation Date: 2005/October
Thesis Title: Pondering Paradigms: Tracing the Development of Accounting Thought with Taxonomic and Citation Analysis
Name: Jiang, Wei
Graduation Date: 2005/May
Thesis Title: Intelligent Day Trading Agent - A Natural Language Processing Approach to Financial Information Analysis
Name: Cong, Yu
Graduation Date: 2004/October
Thesis Title: The Relationship Between The Income Statement Presentation Format and the Company Characteristics: an Exploratory Study on the Comparability of the Financial Statement Presentation Format
Name: Hoitash, Ran
Graduation Date: 2003/October
Thesis Title: Information Transfer in Analytical Procedures: A Simulated Industry Knowledge-Management Approach
Name: Du, Hui
Graduation Date: 2002/May
Thesis Title: Real Time Demand - Monitoring and Pricing for Online Transactions
Name: Jones, Richard
Graduation Date: 2001/January
Thesis Title: An Inquiry into the Effects of Audit Staff Regulating Mechanisms on Auditor Task Related Processing in a Risk Assessment Decision
Name: Giles, Jill
Graduation Date: 1998/October
Thesis Title: Evidence on the Relation Between Audit Committee Characteristics and the Quality of Financial Reporting
Name: Palas, Rimona
Graduation Date: 1998/May
Thesis Title: The Expectation Gap as Witnessed in the Courtroom
Name: Natovich, Joseph
Graduation Date: 1996/May
Thesis Title: Reasoning About Internal Controls and Fraud: The A1 Planning Approach to Modeling the Business Process
Name: Russo, Joseph
Graduation Date: 1994/January
Thesis Title: An Investigation of Auditor Problem Solving Behavior in an Unfamiliar Task Situation
Name: Qureshi, Anique
Graduation Date: 1993/October
Thesis Title: An Investigation of Auditor Judgement in the Evaluation of Contingent Legal Liabilities
Name: Khalifa, Zakaa
Graduation Date: 1992/May
Thesis Title: The Impact of the Financial Condition of the Firm on Auditors' Materiality/Disclosure Judgments: An Experimental Study
Name: Udi Hoitash
Project Title: Detecting Patterns in Board of Directors across Companies Using Network Analysis
Date: Summer 2005
Abstract: This paper describes the use of network analysis for detecting patterns among board of director members of different companies. The use of network analysis provides a platform for empirical testing of theories that could not be tested using conventional methodologies, or could be tested but needed manually coding of the data. We offer six different models that use network modeling and analysis to test different theories. We also provide some preliminary results of running those models. More specifically using network analysis we challenge the traditional definition of an independent outside board member by offering supplemental indicators to the level of the independence of the board. Those indicators measure the level of "familiarity" between senior executives and a board member and level of familiarity and connection between "independent" board members. We can also test four more theories. The theory of social cohesion specifies that board members are a close elite group which nominates one another. The theory of collusion stipulates that interlocks using board members between competitors provide a means of restricting competition. According to resource dependency theory, interlocks using board members is due to dependence on other companies for resources and cooperation. Bank control theory applies the same logic used by resource dependency theory, except that capital is a key resource that all firms must have.