Aviad Pe'er
Associate Professor
Professor Pe’er’s research focus is in sources of competitive advantage. Specifically his research interests are in strategies that new enterprises follow to enhance their growth and profitability, barriers to learning and innovation, and the impacts of reputation, political and economic environment on private equity activity and performance. Current topics include: The feasibility and characteristics of a market for R&D failures; Signal and reputation: Emergence and evolution over events and time; and Entry strategies and economic geography. His work has been published in Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Harvard Business Review and Strategic Organization. Prior to joining Rutgers Professor Pe’er served on the faculty of the Tuck school of Business at Dartmouth College, and of the Stern school of Business at New York University. He teaches courses in Strategic Management. He received his Ph.D. in Strategy and Entrepreneurship from the University of British Columbia.
Ph.D., University of British Columbia, Canada
Name: Nwoke, Kelechi
Graduation Date: 2018/May
Thesis Title: De Novo Firm Growth, Innovation and Take-off